Rest Days Are The Best Days – Why Resting Is Just as Important as Going Hard

Did you know that April only has one week with 5 working days? Are you taking full advantage of that opportunity to regain some control over your schedule? Are you trying to fit too much into your public holiday and not maximising the time?
April is a fantastic month to reassess how the first quarter of the year has gone and implement some changes to your routine to maximise training, sleeping, family or work habits. By now, most people have let a few unhealthy habits creep into daily life and I believe April is the best time to weed them out. I like to RESET and refocus our energy towards our goals in April, so here are some tips and tricks on HOW to utilise the public holidays coming up! 

What can we do?

RESET is the key word; we best move forwards by looking back at the start.
REFLECT: Take a look back on the past 3 months and see what worked, and more importantly, what didn’t work for you.
EVALUATE: Are the goals you set in line with your priorities and what needs to change?
SIMPLIFY: Make it an achievable challenge relative to your situation, small steps lead to big actions.
ESTABLISH: Tweak your plan to make it work better for you and help decrease any barriers.
TIMEYou need to block out time to achieve your goals. Make an appointment  with yourself in your diary to make sure you are prioritising you.
I encourage you to use the public holidays and the above framework to set yourself up for the rest of the year. This rest and reset will enable you to move forwards with a clear focus!
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By Rachael Kent | Exercise Physiologist