What To Expect At Your First Physiotherapy Appointment

corporate services BOSIC

by Karen Mooibroek


You’ve booked an appointment with the physiotherapists at Barangaroo Clinic. It’s your first step on your road to recovery. Let’s find out what you can expect from our physio team. 


How long is my appointment? 

Your first appointment is 45 minutes. During  this time, the physiotherapist will ask about your condition/injury, do an examination and start with a treatment plan. All this is done in a private treatment room. Your follow-up appointments are 30 minutes (or longer, if needed). 


How can I prepare for my appointment? 

Wear loose clothing or clothes that are appropriate for your injury so that we can examine and assess the area easily. We do have some spare pairs of shorts in the consult room in case you need them. 

If you have any X-rays, images or reports of your injury, please bring them in. Also make note of any medication you’re taking. If you have done any recent blood tests, it’s a good idea to bring in the results. 

You do not need a referral to book a physiotherapy appointment since a physiotherapist is a primary practitioner, but if you do have a referral/paperwork from your GP or specialist, please bring it with you. 


How do I pay?

We have EFTPOS and HICAPS facilities. Please bring your private health fund card if you have one, we can definitely do your claiming on the spot if you are covered by your health fund. Otherwise if you do have an enhance care plan prescribed by your GP please bring along your referral letter along with your care plan and medicare care and we can do the rebate on the spot for you. 


How early do I need to arrive?

It is best to arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment, especially for your first one, since this will give you adequate time to fill in our medical forms and get ready. If you need to charge your phone or have a glass of water, that’s all complimentary at Barangaroo Clinic. We also do have an online medical form to be pre-filled if that is preferred. Follow this link and it will direct you to the page : https://docs.google.com/a/bosic.com.au/forms/d/13n0v2v6vcZtkGgYlzQsez8AS0Dvg-qi1STZXwy7Ec4s/prefill


What should I expect from the physiotherapist at the end of my first consultation? 

Your physiotherapist will give you a differential diagnosis of your injury and may also send you for further investigations. You will get a treatment plan which will included a home exercises program. The physiotherapist will also communicate with your GP or referring specialist so that we are working together to aid your recovery. Congratulations! You’re in good hands and are well on your road to recovery. 

What Exactly is Cupping?

Have you always wondered what “Cupping” is all about? Have you heard about the many benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the practice of Cupping from friends and family but are too nervous to try it for yourself? Let us allay your fears.

Think of cupping as the inversion of massage. Rather than pressure on the tissues through a massage therapist, Chinese medicine practitioners use suction cups which uses pressure to pull the tissues upwards. Cupping helps improve blood flow, relieve pain and tension and improve muscle flexibility – it is only the method/application that is different. Guess what? Most treatments only take 20 minutes.

Is it painful?

Often the sensation is rather relaxing. Depending on the location, some of the cups may feel tight, but cups tend to be moved around. Each treatment is entirely unique to you and your body.

Does it leave a bruise?

Cupping causes the skin to temporarily change colour directly under the area of the cup. The discolouration is not panful and usually only lasts a few days. Once the discoloured skin returns to normal, the treatment can be repeated.

What areas does it work on?

The upper and lower back are the most common treatment areas, but cups can work well on other areas too, particularly areas with more flesh.  

On a side note, a lot of athletes use cupping. Multiple gold medal winner Olympian Michael Phelps is a big believer in this ancient practice as are a lot of Olympic gymnasts.